Any time you have abnormal vaginal bleeding, you should contact your doctor. The cause of the bleeding could be serious and should be determined, most importantly, if you are pregnant and have vaginal bleeding. Do not hesitate to see your doctor right away. Other serious symptoms of bleeding in-between periods,
which you must not ignore, as a result of their implications, include; pains, fatigue, dizziness and fever.

According to Dr Fasasi of Teju Specialist Hospital, Ring Road, Ibadan, when you see your doctor, he will ask you certain questions and you should be prepared to answer correctly and truthfully. If you have knowledge of your menstrual cycle, it will be an advantage. You should also be able to take note of when your periods begin and end, the heaviness and duration of your flow, and when and how much you bleed between periods. Your doctor will want to know about any other symptoms that you have experienced and any medications you are taking.

You will also have to go through a physical examinations, which include pelvic examination. Diagnostic tests will also help your doctor find the cause of the bleeding. You also have to undergo an ultrasound; which is an imaging technique that uses sound waves to create a picture of your reproductive organs, after which the cause of the bleeding will be determined and you will be treated accordingly.

In some cases, some forms of abnormal bleeding will resolve on its own. However, for some women, the underlying cause requires treatment. Ignoring the problem and failing to see a doctor can worsen the problem. If the bleeding is as a result of infection, cancer, or a serious disorder, the consequences could be life threatening. So it pays not to ignore it.

Depending on the cause of the abnormal bleeding, you may not be able to prevent it. In some cases, though, preventive measures could help. It pays to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a normal weight, as overweight could be one of the causes of abnormal periods.

If you are on contraceptives, like birth control pills, please use as directed, to avoid a hormonal imbalance. Also, exercise moderately to maintain your health and reduce stress.

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