1.That awkward look you do when we pay you a compliment Sometimes you have no idea how hot you are, so we take it upon ourselves to remind you. At that moment you're so surprised that you almost recoil with embarrassment, but it's utterly enchanting and reveals your vulnerable side. Magic.

2. When you laugh with all your heart and soul.
A hearty laugh, maybe with a snort at the end, is something we can't but help but find endearing. Don't hold back, let it all out (at the right time of course) and we'll be thinking about nothing but you, the bed and steamy antics all night.

3. When you dance like no one's watching.
The high heels come off, the hair is unfurled and the music takes control. There you are, grimacing, giving your pelvis a good thrust and throwing down as though you're in front of the mirror at home with no one around to judge you. Major turn on.

4. When you get silly drunk and act like a big kid (in a good way).
When you get giddy and silly, losing your inhibitions and that serious façade that so many women can adopt, we're putty in your hands.

5. When you handle a difficult situation calmly and confidently.
As much as we love supporting you, when you freak out - we freak out too. But when you have your shit together and subsequently breeze through yet another one of life's many difficult obstacles as usual, it's a dream and you're wonderwoman.

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