The 46-year-old actor was recently treated for his third basal cell carcinoma in 12 months, his rep told E! News, adding that fortunately, Jackman is "all good" now. The Australian hunk had a basal cell carcinoma removed in November 2013 as well as in May of this year. The X-Men star spoke to E! News about the condition at the time, saying, "So just to be clear, it is skin cancer—it's a  basal cell carcinoma, which of all the skin cancers, is the most minor. "But you do need to take care of it immediately," he clarified, "because it's growing."

Indeed, this type of cancer is usually entirely treatable, but only if it's caught early enough. For that reason, Jackson encourages others to be proactive about their health, telling E! News, "It doesn't matter who you are, get checkups."
He's following his own advice too, and staying on top of those visits to the dermatologist. "I'm realistic about the future and it's more than likely that I'll have at least one more but probably many more, which is not uncommon for an Aussie particularly from English stock growing up in Australia where I don't remember ever being told to put sunscreen on," he said, per Fox News.  "But the beauty of this is it's all preventable, it's just about getting proper check-ups. I can be typical man, a little lazy, I couldn't be bothered and now I'm not lazy at all."
He's all about the SPF these days, too, and wants others to protect their skin, too! "Wear sunscreen!" he told E! News earlier this year. "Don't be like me as a kid. Trust me, wear sunscreen!

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