Watching some of the characters in The Devil Wears Prada or Working Girl, you might think you need the word 'bitch' stamped on your CV to succeed. Thankfully, ruthless ambition isn't the only way to scale the dizzy heights. So put down your weapon and "conquer the businessworld with kindness,"
Remember – people change
A common mistake people make is assuming that they only have to be nice to their peers and superiors. So they don't make an effort with the receptionist or intern –the staff they feel don't wield any power. That might be true in the short term, but who knows where the intern might be in 20 years' time? Maybe interviewing you for a job...

Nicely does it: Be pleasant to everyone in the office. You don't want to be remembered as 'that cow who never said thank you'.

Be kind, not fake

The power of nice is about being kind, not fake. A genuine compliment can go a long way, especially if you are known for being the crotchety one in your office. So take time to lighten the mood and make others feel valued.

Nicely does it: Praise your colleagues' good work regularly, especially if you are prone to office hissy fits. And, for added impact, invest in a steady supply of chocolate... for others, not just for you.

'Yes' your way to success
'No' shuts down possibilities, while 'yes' opens them up. But yes-ing your way to the top doesn't mean doing everyone else's bidding. It simply means findingsomething to say yes to. Maybe you can't attend an event organised by a client. Instead of saying no, find someone else in the office who really wants to go. That way, your colleague will be chuffed and you stay in the loop with your client.Nicely does it: Write down the last three things you said no to, then ask yourself if there was an alternative way of saying yes and if it could have benefited you in any way.

Zip it and listen
Monopolising a meeting might make you the centre of the attention, but it may not be the cleverest use of your time. When you let someone else's brilliance shine through, you not only learn from them, you earn their goodwill. Often keeping quiet and taking in what others are saying means that when you dospeak you will be able to offer a concise contribution. And hey presto: you'll look like a genius!

Nicely does it: Try to ask, rather than tell. After all, you know your own story, but you might learn something from theirs.

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