baby-in-pigg-o-stat-pictureWhat is happening to this baby?! Don’t panic! It’s nothing to worry your pretty head about. This right here my friends, is how babies get their x-ray’s done in “the abroad”.
And x-ray technician who had to use a ‘Pigg-o-Stat’ to immobilize this precious little baby in the right position – shared the picture on social media. Quite a number of people were startled when they saw the image but, he went on to explain saying…

“Oh yes..the infamous Pigg-O-Stat. I’ve been a Rad Tech for a while now and let me tell you what….most of the time, I love this thing.
“My job is to get a diagnostic image of a baby so a doctor can assess what is causing the child’s illness/symptoms. What should not be surprising to anyone is that radiographs are produced by shooting radiation at you.
“This device is used to immobilize a young child in the proper position for both chest imaging and sometimes abdominal films WITHOUT subjecting another person to unnecessary radiation exposure. As a rad tech, we are bound to the exposure rule of ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable). I would rather put a child in this contraption WHICH DOES NOT HURT THEM and get my images in the two shots needed over having to retake images multiple times because the child was moving – which is exposing them to more radiation.
“Is it hard for parents to watch? Yes – it can be. In all honesty, I’ve had just as many parents pull out their cell phones to take pics to share with friends and family as I have had parents who get emotional. Its the job of the rad tech to fully explain the procedure to minimize distress for the parent, cause the least amount of mental trauma as possible for both the child and the parent, and to get it over with quickly and accurately.”

He went on to say:
Please keep in mind the following:
1) It does NOT hurt your child. It makes them angry, frustrated, and scared because they do not understand what is going on and cannot move as they are used to.
2) This contraption is only used on patients that are under 25lbs or around the age of 2. They will not remember the experience and shouldn’t be traumatized by it. I say this as someone who has spent time imaging the same children throughout several years.
3) Some chest pathology (fluid, pneumonia) can be very small and difficult to see on a supine (laying down) image. Upright images are really the best.

**LOL. But the baby looks so cute and funny though. The tiny tot looks so frightened like “wtf are they doing to me, mum”**
Here’s another picture below of another baby in the Pigg-o-Stat.

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