BY JOEL OSTEEN, I once read an article about doctors who incorporated “talk therapy” to treat patients suffering with depression. Instead of medicating the problem, the doctors instructed the patients to start making positive declarations over their lives, saying such things as: “I have a bright future. People like to be around me. Good things are in store.”

Some of the patients were depressed because they were facing life-threatening diseases and felt there was no hope. The doctor asked them, “Has anyone ever survived this disease?” The answers were always yes. So he told them, “Then I want you to start saying, ‘I will make it. I will be one of the people who beats the odds.’ ”
Those patients obeyed the doctor’s orders, and amazingly, many of them not only came out of their depression, but they also made full recoveries!
It’s time to use our words to declare good things! Speak blessings over your life and your family. Throughout the day, say things such as, “I have the favor of God. I am strong and healthy. I’m well able to do what I need to do.”

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