American Rapper T.I is in trouble with the law after he was accused of stealing.
The rapper literally took the stage he rented for his concert tour and treated it like a flower arrangement at a wedding reception dinner table - in other words, he took it home without paying, according to TMZ.

"America's Most Wanted" tour - a collaboration with T.I and Lil Wayne - was big last year and the centerpiece of the stage was an expensive screen known as a roll drop to project video and photos.

Although T.I. paid the rental fee, in a new lawsuit, the rapper didn't return the roll drop after the concert was over.

Now the rental company says its roll drop doesn't come cheap – it is $50, 000! But wants twice that, arguing they could have made lots of money renting it out to other performers.
When the rapper was contacted for a comment, he reportedly said, "What do I need with rollers?"
Does this mean, he's saying he never 'stole' anything? We'll keep y'all posted on this story


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