Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is defined as a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, excessive attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for power over one's environment, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency. It is quite different from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) which is more common. Reports say about 1 in 100 people suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, also known as OCPD. It is described as a need for structure, system, rules and routines, and a constant affinity to cleanliness and orderly structure.

It’s very similar to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but the difference is people with OCPD aren’t quite as obsessed with perfection as #people with OCD are. They’re just more concerned with things being neat, orderly, and they often have a hard #time trusting others to accomplish tasks for them.
This can be tough on family members  who sometimes don't have an idea how to deal with them.
So if you are suffering from such or you have a family member suffering from OCPD, Heather Williams of All Women Stalklists 7 tips to help deal and find find treatment for them.
  1. It's not about perfection: People with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder aren’t concerned with being perfect, and it isn’t the reason they stick to routines, rituals, etc. Understanding this can help you see that they find comfort in routines and order, not having a need to be perfect.
  2. Hygiene habits: Most #people with OCPD have extreme hygiene habits out of a need for cleanliness and avoiding germs. It’s best to know this when sharing a home with someone as you should try to keep an orderly bathroom as best you can as not to upset them or cause a disruption.
  3. Assigning tasks: Most #people with OCPD have a hard time being able to trust others to do a certain task for them of any kind. They don’t trust others to do their work, and for this reason can also be hard to work with at an office. Sometimes, it’s best not to try to take away their tasks, but simply work around them, and ask them if they could reduce the amount of cleaning, organizing, etc. that they do.
  4. Hoarding: Hoarding is a large problem in today’s society, and #people with OCPD are often also hoarders, though not always. Hoarding is one of the hardest problems to treat, and you need to seek out a professional who can help with this issue; don’t try to help them on your own.
  5. CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most effective of the few treatment options available to #people with OCPD. CBT involves structured counseling that teaches OCPD sufferers to learn to live in situations of no order or structure. This first is very hard for them, but the design is to help them find out why these orders and routines make them feel safe, and eliminate the real issue at hand to stop the symptoms.
  6. Workaholic: Many #people who have OCPD are also so devoted to work that they avoid seeing anyone or doing anything just to be able to work. They isolate themselves to the point of avoiding everyone and are usually focused on their work, though they might have a hard #time finishing tasks due to being distracted by their routines and need for structure around their home.
  7. Excessive self discipline: People who have OCPD are almost always very self-disciplined. They’ll go to whatever lengths it takes that many people could not, to complete a task. For this reason, many #people with eating disorders are also OCPD sufferers, though not always. If you recognize this as a symptom in your loved one, consider getting them help if they exhibit other symptoms.

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