The singer's latest hearing in his Rihanna case was fruitful, his random drug tests has been reduced by the judge
For someone who was dragged out of a club house at the BET Awards pre-party dead drunk in June, Chris Brown's innocent face at his probation hearing in court yesterday may have gotten the judge in his Rihanna case sorry for him.
Chris was in court in L.A. Wednesday for a progress report on his probation, and the results were shocking but glowing. Apparently, all his random drug tests were negative and he attended bi-weekly therapy sessions.

Funny thing is, he's been partying his ass off post jail, but as far as the judge in his Rihanna beating case is concerned ... he's been a model citizen who is staying out of trouble at all cost and his reward will be fewer random drug tests.

Lucky for Brown, the judge agreed to cut the slacks on him, and scale back the number of drug tests from 3 a week to just 2 for the singer.

Pretty impressive for a guy who had to be carried out of a club pretty wasted back in June looking like a dead man flying in space. Well, we say lucky you and may want to also scream , "this judge is damn loyal!"

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